It’s 2023 and you need to rid yourself of some things! Are you someone who believes that all of your success came strictly from luck? Do you doubt your accomplishments? See yourself as a fraud? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then you might have a case of imposter syndrome and we need to address it ASAP.
What is imposter syndrome? It can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. ‘Imposters’ suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.
But guess what’s sis?! Everyone feels like an imposter at some point in their lives and you’re not alone. We’re here to help you get over that ish. It’s time to say goodbye to doubt and fear in 2023. Here’s seven strategies to help you get rid of imposter syndrome.
1. Live In Your Truth
The first step in breaking any cycle in life is to acknowledge what the problem or issue is. If you are aware of the symptoms associated with imposter syndrome and they resonate with you don’t feel shame or embarrassment. Own those feelings, live in those feelings, release those feelings and put in the steps to be a better you.
2. Envision Yourself In Success
Picture yourself in your dream career, vacationing on your favorite island and raising your kids the way you want to raise them. You deserve everything you desire so envision it, manifest it and believe it can and will be yours. Believe me it’s much better than dwelling in negative thoughts. Envision it in your mind first and the rest will follow.
3. Make Your Own Rules
Sometimes the hardest part about becoming an adult is letting go of bad habits, generational curses, toxic environments and childhood trauma. Your imposter syndrome very well may stem from your setting or culture. Don’t let that stop you from overcoming it and make your own rules! Take the necessary steps for YOU and don’t allow anyone to dictate your narrative.
4. Believing & Behaving As If
You’ve heard the phrase “fake it til you make” but instead of faking try behaving as if. Don’t wait until you make it to have confidence, TRY walking in that confidence now! Big risks bring in bigger rewards. Impostor Syndrome Institute co-founder Valerie Young, Ed.D. says “Courage comes from taking risks. Change your behavior first and allow your confidence to build.”
5. Know When To Get Out Your Feelings
Feelings, emotions are all good things. If you didn’t experience any of this you wouldn’t be human. However, just because you may feel defeated or “stupid” or less than doesn’t mean you actually are. Separate feelings from facts.
6. Learn That Failure & Mistakes Means You’re Growing
Failure and mistakes are actually good! Winston Churchill once said “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Once you make a mistake or fail a few times you learn from it and come back ten times better. You receive the needed experience and you’re better off next time around. Like our good sis Aaliyah said, “Dust yourself off and try again!”
7. Reward Yourself
You made it to 2023 and you should be proud of that! These past few years have been hell so just making it out alive deserves a reward. As you’re breaking the cycle of imposter syndrome, break the cycle of feeling like you have to accomplish the biggest goal on your list to be rewarded. Also break the cycle of continually seeking and then dismissing validation outside of yourself by learning to celebrate you and everything you’ve overcome. Be proud of yourself boo!
If you’re still unsure if you suffer from imposter syndrome try taking the Imposter Syndrome Quiz here and find out!