TED Talks have become very popular because of the motivational words speakers deliver to their audiences. They offer a platform where brilliant minds from diverse backgrounds share their wisdom and experiences. For Black women, TED Talks hold a unique significance—giving them space to celebrate and amplify their stories, struggles, and successes. These talks often shed light on important issues while providing valuable insight. There is a TED Talk for everyone. You just need to know where to start.

What is the Importance of TED Talks?

TED Talks are more than engaging presentations. They’ve evolved into catalysts for change, inspiration, and personal growth. These talks are a source of empowerment for Black women, addressing many topics impacting their lives. Speakers from various backgrounds provide fresh perspectives applicable to other women. Whether it’s a conversation on feminism, financial literacy, or the prison-industrial complex, TED Talks cover so many interests.

TED Talks for Black Women

Get Uncomfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Author, Luvvie Ajayi Jones, gets deep in this chat about your potential. She shares questions to ask yourself if you’re on the verge of speaking up or quieting down. Her words during the TED Talk push viewers to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself About Everything You Do

Powerhouse and politician Stacey Abrams, the first black woman in the history of the United States to be nominated by a major party for governor, shared some gems in this talk. She also embarked on the lessons she learned from her campaign for governor of Georgia for viewers to learn from. Meanwhile, she gave viewers advice on how to change the world.

How Creative Writing Can Help You Through Life’s Hardest Moments

Through her TED Talk, writer, Sakinah Hofler, shares her belief that writing can help to heal you. According to Hofler, writing can be used as a tool to help you process difficult memories and reclaim the power they may hold.

Embrace The Near Win

In this TED Talk, Sarah Lewis helps viewers shift their focus from looking at failure as a reason to give up. She pushed them to believe that failures are more of a reason to keep going than anything else.

An Invitation to Men Who Want a Better World for Women

Elizabeth Nyamayaro is the head of the UN Women’s HeForShe initiative. Her TED Talk is an invitation for men and all genders to stand in solidarity with women. She encourages viewers to create a bold, visible and united force for gender equality.