There are so many benefits that come from stretching before bed. It is a great way to unwind, reduce tension and improve flexibility, but it can also improve your sleep quality.

If you’re ready to implement a few into your nightly routine, here are some of the best stretches to try before bed. When practicing these poses, focus on slow, deep breaths to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds to two minutes, and ease off the stretch if you feel any pain.

Child’s Pose

Start on your hands and knees. Sit back on your heels, lowering your torso to the floor with your arms extended in front of you. Rest your forehead on the mat. It gently stretches the back, hips and thighs, helping to release tension in the lower back and neck. It’s also a calming pose that can help ease stress.

Seated Forward Fold

Sit with your legs extended straight in front of you. Inhale to lengthen your spine, then exhale and hinge at your hips to fold forward, reaching for your feet or shins. This stretch targets the hamstrings, lower back and shoulders, and it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

Lie on your back, bringing the soles of your feet together and letting your knees fall out to the sides. You can place pillows or blocks under your knees for extra support. This pose opens up the hips and groin while promoting relaxation. It’s a great pose for releasing tension in the lower body.

Cat-Cow Stretch 

Start on all fours with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Inhale to arch your back and lift your head (cow), then exhale to round your spine and tuck your chin (cat). This dynamic stretch warms up the spine and helps release tension in the back, neck, and shoulders.

Spinal Twist 

Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Drop your knees over to one side while keeping your shoulders grounded. Turn your head in the opposite direction and hold for a few breaths, then switch sides. It gently stretches the spine, hips, and lower back while promoting detoxification and relaxation.

Legs Up the Wall

Sit with one side of your body against a wall, then lie down and extend your legs up the wall, keeping them straight. Rest your arms by your sides or place them on your belly. This pose helps relieve tired legs and promotes relaxation. It’s also great for reducing stress and calming the nervous system.

Pigeon Pose 

From a tabletop position, bring one knee toward your wrist and extend the opposite leg straight behind you. Lower your hips to the floor and fold forward over your bent leg. Pigeon pose stretches the hips and glutes, helping to release tightness in the lower back and thighs.

Neck and Shoulder Stretch

Sit or stand tall. Slowly tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear toward your shoulder. Use your hand to gently deepen the stretch, then switch sides. You can also clasp your hands behind your back and gently lift your arms to open the chest. This targets tension in the neck and shoulders, which is often built up during the day.

Butterfly Stretch

Sit with your feet together and knees bent out to the sides. Hold your feet with your hands and gently lean forward, deepening the stretch. This stretches the inner thighs, groin, and lower back. It’s a gentle stretch that helps relax the body.

Hamstring Stretch

Sit on the floor with one leg extended straight and the other leg bent so that the sole of your foot is against your inner thigh. Reach forward toward the toes of the extended leg, keeping your back straight. This stretches the hamstrings and lower back, helping to release tension in the legs.

Forward Fold 

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. On an inhale, lengthen your spine, and on the exhale, fold forward, bringing your chest toward your thighs. You can bend your knees slightly if needed. It stretches the hamstrings, calves, and lower back, helping to release tension after a long day.