There is something inherently powerful about the female power suit and its message. Although different variations of the power suit have evolved and shifted over the past few decades, the overarching themes of the suit remain the same: power, confidence, and exuberance. Although many women in this century don't feel the need to wear a power suit to take their place in the world, there is something so empowering about seeing the Beyoncé's and Michelle Obama's of the world confidently sashay in public with their incredibly well-tailored power suits. The power suit is arguably one of the most timeless fashion pieces in history, and here is what it has taught us about style.
Style Is Evocative
Power suits have always had the ability to evoke strong notions and feelings. When the power suit first became a fashion favorite, it sent a message to society about women having the ability to be matriarchs, working women, leaders, and influential figures who had a life beyond the patriarchal notions of women belonging in the kitchen. People have used style to send messages and tell their stories for years, and the power suit is no different.
Good Tailoring Matters
Alterations have a great way of making an outfit stand out. Even if what you are wearing is casual, you will look more confident, powerful, and authoritative if it fits well. Women like Michelle Obama, who have had the most success with the power suit, have had immaculate tailoring that makes them look elegant, chic, and in charge.
Color Coordination Is Key
A nice hue is always significant in the fashion and style world. The power suit can serve as a canvas for color and self-expression. The color you choose is important based on what mood or presence you want to portray. A vibrant red power suit, for example, can symbolize sex appeal, confidence, and self-assuredness, while a darker suit like black, for instance, can give off an austere, quiet vibe. In fashion, color always tells a story.
Choice Always Matters
It is important to choose the right size when wearing a power suit, which is true for style overall. The size of what you wear can make or break the aesthetic you are going for. Choose carefully.
A Fashion DNA Is Key
The average fashionista knows exactly what their "fashion DNA" Is. What this means is that they know their style and know what types of outfits fit their style palette. This includes choosing the right sizes and cuts for your silhouette. All of these also apply to finding the perfect power suit.