When shopping at your favorite makeup counter or beauty store, there are a few things you expect — a  chance to sample the products you plan to spend your money on, good customer service and clean (new) products. But one former Ulta employee is alleging that the major beauty brand doesn't properly handle their product returns. 

One beauty blogger, @fatinamxo on Twitter (you should also check out her Instagram and YouTube) made her statements on Twitter yesterday, detailing her experience with discovering that returns at her store weren't being properly handled and then bringing that information to the attention of higher-ups within the company.

But after sharing her story, she opened up the opportunity for others to share any similar experiences. And since then she's had people reach out alleging that their stores have similar (problematic) practices.

So what can you do about this? If true, this is a major issue when it comes to health and safety.

And moving forward this should be a lesson to us all to check our makeup just in case.

Don't be afraid to look at your products. Look for signs of tampering such as loose pigments, smears along the edges of the container, missing safety seals, removed mirror-protecting adhesives, missing product, broken boxes and more. 

It's not safe to always assume that these things happened while shipping or storing the products, and you deserve to be sure that your products are new — not just new to you.

And if you're still nervous, consider this strategy from one member of the beauty community: 

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