Tory Lanez recently received a guilty verdict on all counts for shooting Megan Thee Stallion back in 2020. Although many people feel that the verdict was justified, there are others who are wary of the court’s decision and have directly challenged it online, and that is very telling of the bigger issue.

Following Tory’s guilty verdict on December 23, many people have come out to show Megan Thee Stallion support and even offer some empathy. Others have stood firm in their conviction that the Canadian rapper is innocent of any wrongdoing.

For over two years, the world followed the scintillating and mysterious unraveling of the Megan-Tory-Kelsey saga. For many, the story had all of the makings of a thriller. There was a lot of mystery within the plots and twists of what the parties involved said happened. For years, people argued about the polarizing story, with many more publicly mocking, ridiculing, and gaslighting Megan’s recollection of events. All in all, there seemed to be a public consensus that Megan is the bully. Just recently. Drake opened the cam of worms back up when he seemingly made reference to the incident on his recent controversial “Circo Loco” record.

The Verdict Is In

Two years after the event took place, the verdict is in, and unsurprisingly, several people on the internet are still questioning the outcome. For years, Tory maintained his innocence, while Megan stayed adamant about her initial story.

The court case showed, in vivid details, that misogynoir is ingrained in the fabric of day-to-day society. While Megan was vindicated, there is still a layer of disbelief floating about online. This case has shown that no matter how successful a Black woman is, she is not immune to public distrust. Despite Megan stating that the incident was traumatizing to her, she was repeatedly dismissed. Now that the verdict is in, there are hardly any apologies and very little accountability. Unfortunately, is the plight many Black women in the face of trauma.