One TikTok fashion designer may have taken the term “getting to the bag,” a tad bit too seriously. Jada Holmes, known for her creative handbags, recently had a run-in with the police as she attempted to make her newest design: an ATM purse.
An ATM Bag — Literally
Holmes often transforms items you never thought could be fashioned into handbags. In her Instagram bio she describes herself as “the girl who makes purses out of everything.” At first, she started out with potato chip bags, a bowl of cereal and even a ranch bottle (because she ‘be dressing’). Eventually, as her popularity grew, so did her designs. She began using objects like end tables, couches and cribs in her designs. She always wears an outfit to compliment each bag to bring the entire look together.
In an interview with Paper Magazine, Holmes shared that a lot of her inspiration behind her designs comes from listening to music.
“I listen to a lot,” she explained. “So when I hear a metaphor or a punchline, I tend to run with it and begin creating outfits based off of actual song lyrics.”
Her most recent stunt with the ATM may be her most peculiar yet. She posted a video on TikTok of an encounter with the police while trying to film her outfit/bag combo. The post is now up to 1.6 million views. In the video, she is seen surrounded by four cop cars, and several officers, all trying to understand where she got an ATM from. The federal punishment for stealing an ATM is a fine of up to $250,000 and a federal prison sentence of up to 20 years.
None of this stopped her from getting her pictures and videos in, however. Her ATM purse matched her gray, blue, and white outfit. She even opened up the machine to show viewers that it was a fully workable ATM.