Although we are in February, it is not too late to set out expectations for what you want to accomplish over the course of the next 10 months. The beginning of the new year always ushers in fresh and exciting opportunities to set new goals. Here are 10 tips that you can apply to make sure you see all your goals through this year.

Don't Limit Yourself: 

The best way to reach your fullest potential and see how far you can go is to set goals for yourself that you suspect might go beyond your current abilities. This doesn't mean you have to work bomb yourself, but it simply goes with the 1% better everyday rule. If your new year's resolution was to read ten pages of a book every weekday before bed, try reading ten and a half for a week and see how it impacts your time management and organization.

Have A Vision Board: 

A vision board is a fancy organizer that helps you visualize your goals. Beyond being a fun project, it is also a great way to unwind while planning your year out. To be successful with a vision board, make it fully capture all of the plans and goals that you have in mind. For example, if you would like to take a trip to France before the year ends, have various tourist attractions in France on your mood board.


Having a timeline is critical because it pushes you to mobilize the resources you need to work towards your resolutions. A timeline helps to kick your strategy into gear.


Many people in your life may make cynical jokes or comments about your resolution if you share it with them. It is important to filter out such negative comments so that they don't discourage you. This is especially true if you are trying to achieve something like weight loss. Don't let anyone put negativity in your head about what you can or can't do.

Move In Silence: 

Moving in silence helps you think with a clear head and avoid potential naysayers. As skeptical as it sounds, not everyone is happy about your success or plans for the future. Keep this in mind as you work towards your goals and only share them when you feel like the timing is right.

Be Realistic: 

Having realistic goals is one of the most effective ways to stay grounded and focused. It is possible to shoot for the stars and be realistic about it. You have to strike a balance between the two.


Take inventory of your life and observe things that hindered you from crushing your goals in the past. What are some of the bad habits that got in the way of your 2021 New Year's Resolutions? Was it procrastination? Was it saying "yes" to every request and not creating boundaries? Think about it.

Divide and Conquer: 

Crushing your goals will be much easier if you check up on yourself regularly. Rather than doing everything at once over one year, make quarterly goals and aim to achieve them. 

Don't Beat Yourself Up:

This year, we need to become committed to being kind and gentle to ourselves. Think of what you would tell a friend or someone you deeply love and respect who was in your situation? Use those same words to encourage yourself when you feel you have "messed up," missed a deadline, or are behind on your set goal.

Be Flexible: 

Get ready for your goals to change dramatically over one year. They may not be the perfect blueprint that you have in your mind, but as you progress and change as a person in one year, you might see that your motives change as well. Come to terms with that and be prepared to tweak as necessary.

Good luck!