The pandemic has completely changed the course of human life and health, and there is no better time than now to become more serious about your health. If you are looking for supplements to boost your health, this list contains some helpful options.

Vitamin B12: 

Everyone needs a consistent dose of vitamin B12. This vitamin is proficient in forming healthy red blood cells, metabolizing proteins, and contributing to a healthy nervous system. B12 can also be found in foods like plant-based milk and tofu, but it is also worth your while to get a B12 supplement.


Calcium is an important mineral that helps build strong bones in the human body. This supplement is vital for adult women and women in the menopausal and postmenopausal stages. Calcium intake helps maintain good bone health and reduces the high risk of osteoporosis.

Folic Acid:

If you are looking for a supplement to combat inflammation and keep your nails healthy, folic acid is your best bet. If you are pregnant, folic acid is also an excellent supplement that aids fetus development and prevents birth defects in your new baby. 


Low magnesium levels have been associated with plaque, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. A regular dose of magnesium can effectively lower the body's stress levels. Magnesium also helps to control blood sugar and prevent the risk of a heart attack in the future.

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is a great supplement to have in your cabinet during the cold and flu season. Although vitamin C can’t prevent you from getting colds during the winter, it can reduce how serious the cold gets. Regularly taking vitamin C is excellent to boost your body’s immune system. 


Iron is a supplement that is often low in a lot of women. Many women lose a lot of iron from pregnancies, periods, and nursing throughout their lives. A lack of iron can cause thinning hair, low energy, and brain fog. Iron supplements are effective in helping to keep energy levels elevated.


Probiotics are essential supplements for supporting gut health. They are vital for optimal health and help your gut to function effectively. Bacterial imbalance in the gut can lead to nutrient deficiencies. A regular dose of probiotics can support a healthy immune function, support a healthy brain, and support weight management.