Preparing for the birth of a new baby is a busy yet joyous time for the parents-to-be. Although this is a happy time, some parents may not want to deal with the time-consuming planning and expensive costs of throwing a traditional baby shower. This is especially true for parents who are not having their first or second child. Here is a list of unique ways to celebrate a newborn without spending thousands of dollars on a baby shower.

Baby Sprinkle

This is similar to a baby shower, but on a much smaller scale. A baby sprinkle does not require a special venue, decorations, games or a menu. It can be held in an everyday setting, like work or at someone’s home. Organizers of the sprinkle may provide light bites and drinks. Supporters of the expectant mom should still bring gifts, like diapers, clothes and other items for the baby.

Diaper Shower

This type of celebration is like a traditional baby shower, but there is a twist on the gift list. A new baby will always be in need of diapers. It’s one of the more expensive items that parents will buy during the first few years of a child’s life. Opting for a diaper shower means guests would only bring bags or boxes of diapers as a gift. Baby wipes and gift cards are also acceptable gifts.

Drive-by Shower

Hosting a drive-by baby shower became a popular idea in 2020. People found ways to improvise normal occasions since social distancing was encouraged. There’s no harm in continuing this low-effort celebration. Drive-by showers are set up outside, with a few decorations and an area for people to drive up and drop off a gift for the baby. A registry is helpful for this type of baby shower.

Virtual Shower

Another good idea that carried over from 2020 is a virtual baby shower. During the period of isolation, it was common to use video chat apps to speak with multiple people at once. This type of baby shower was an alternative for families who had to cancel or didn’t feel comfortable planning a baby shower with the risk of getting sick. Make sure to provide attendees with a registry where they can purchase gifts and have them delivered to the mom’s home.

Painting Party

Setting up the baby’s nursery with all sorts of baby decor is another tedious task parents are faced with. Try hosting a painting party to alleviate some of that stress. People can help paint walls in the nursery, but it doesn’t have to stop there. They can also help assemble the crib and other furniture, as well as put up the baby’s clothes. It’s all about getting the room ready to bring baby home.

BYOB (Bring Your Own Book)

Here is a unique baby shower idea for families who choose not to accept gifts from friends or family. Instead, you can start a book collection for your child and have your supporters contribute books to it.

Sip and See

A mom-to-be who is experiencing a tough pregnancy or in a space where she may not want to engage with a lot of people can consider hosting a sip and see. This would happen after the birth of the baby. Close family and friends can stop by and visit to meet the baby and drop off any gifts. Drinks and refreshments should be provided for guests.

Meal Train

This idea can be a big help to new moms and dads after the baby is born. This is a time when sleep is scarce for parents. It’s nice to have one less household duty, like cooking, to take care of. Family and friends can contribute enough meals to last the family for a few days.

Postpartum Party

If a new mom’s village wants to do something to specifically support her, they can throw a postpartum party. This can happen in the form of a spa day or a girls’ night in. It’s a great way to bring a moment of happiness to women who may be struggling with postpartum depression.