Thanksgiving is the celebration that technically kicks off the holiday season, making it a holiday many look forward to. However, the traditional Thanksgiving dishes have evolved from when you were a child, as many people have different dietary restrictions that can affect the inclusivity of your annual dinner festivities. It’s important to ensure that everyone at your table feels welcome and appreciated. For your vegan guests, a little extra thought and consideration can go a long way in making the holiday memorable. Here are some ways to be inclusive of your vegan guests this Thanksgiving!

Keeping your Vegan Guests in Mind This Thanksgiving

Communication is Key

Reach out to your vegan guests ahead of time to ask about their dietary preferences and any specific restrictions they might have. This will not only help you plan your menu but also shows the effort you’re putting in to make sure they feel incldued.

Veganize Traditional Dishes

Thanksgiving is synonymous with traditional dishes like mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. To make these classics vegan-friendly, swap out animal-based ingredients for plant-based alternatives. Use dairy-free butter and milk in your mashed potatoes and opt for vegetable broth in your stuffing.

When it comes to the main course, consider offering a hearty vegan alternative to turkey and ham. You can impress your vegan guests with dishes like stuffed acorn squash, a savory nut roast, or a store-bought vegan roast.

Clearly Label Vegan Dishes

When setting up your Thanksgiving table, clearly label the vegan dishes. This makes it easy for your guests to identify what they can enjoy without having to inquire about each dish individually.

Diverse Side Dishes

Ensure your menu includes a variety of vegan side dishes, such as roasted vegetables, vibrant and hearty salads, flavorful grain-based dishes, and a selection of vegan bread and rolls. This not only caters to your vegan guests but adds color and flavor to your table.

Double-Check Ingredients

When shopping for ingredients, keep an eye on labels to ensure there are no hidden animal-derived products in the items you’re purchasing. Many store-bought products now have clear vegan labels, making it easier to select the right ingredients.


No Thanksgiving meal is complete without dessert. Offer vegan-friendly dessert options like dairy-free pies, fruit salad, or vegan ice cream. Many grocery stores now carry vegan alternatives that will satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth.

Thanksgiving is the celebration that technically kicks off the holiday season, making it a holiday many look forward to. However, the traditional Thanksgiving dishes have evolved from when you were a child, as many people have different dietary restrictions that can affect the inclusivity of your annual dinner festivities. It’s important to ensure everyone at your table feels welcome and appreciated. For your vegan guests, a little extra thought and consideration can go a long way in making the holiday memorable. Here are some ways to be inclusive of your vegan guests this Thanksgiving!

Keeping your Vegan Guests in Mind This Thanksgiving

Communication is Key

Reach out to your vegan guests beforehand to ask about their dietary preferences and any specific restrictions they might have. Communicating will help you plan your menu and show the effort you’re putting in to make sure they feel included.

Veganize Traditional Dishes

Thanksgiving is synonymous with traditional dishes like mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. To make these classics vegan-friendly, swap out animal-based ingredients for plant-based alternatives. Use dairy-free butter and milk in your mashed potatoes and opt for vegetable broth in your stuffing.

Regarding the main course, consider offering a hearty vegan alternative to turkey and ham. You can impress your vegan guests with dishes like stuffed acorn squash, a savory nut roast, or a store-bought vegan roast.

Clearly Label Vegan Dishes

When setting up your Thanksgiving table, clearly label the vegan dishes. Labeling your dishes makes it easy for your guests to identify what they can enjoy without inquiring about each dish individually.

Diverse Side Dishes

Ensure your menu includes a variety of vegan side dishes, such as roasted vegetables, vibrant and hearty salads, flavorful grain-based dishes, and a selection of vegan bread and rolls. Diviersity caters to your vegan guests and adds color and flavor to your table.

Double-Check Ingredients

When shopping for ingredients, keep an eye on labels to ensure no hidden animal-derived products are in the items you’re purchasing. Many store-bought products now have clear vegan labels, making it easier to select the right ingredients.


Every Thanksgiving meal is complete with dessert. Offer vegan-friendly dessert options like dairy-free pies, fruit salad, or vegan ice cream. Many grocery stores now carry vegan alternatives to satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth.