October has been a busy month for the cosmos, with the Sun and Mercury moving into Scorpio, the kickoff of Venus in Sagittarius and the Hunter Supermoon in Aries closing out long-running cycles on a personal and global scale. Rather than coming in quietly, November is beginning with a Scorpio New Moon that – if navigated with the right attitude – can be a time of great cleansing and opportunity.
This time of year can be tough on mental health as daylight savings time ends on Nov. 3, bringing with it shorter days and longer nights. Still, there’s a lot to look forward to on the cosmic calendar in the coming weeks, with Mercury and Mars both moving into fire signs this week. Later in November, relationships might take a more serious approach when Venus transits through Capricorn, and that only covers the first half of the month! For now, let’s dive into how to best handle the incoming Scorpio New Moon energy like a pro.
What Time Is the New Moon in Scorpio?

The lunar cycle lasts 29.5 days, guaranteeing one New and Full Moon each month. Astrologer Kyle Thomas tells People, “A new moon not only brings something fresh and new to your life but gives you the chance to use its energy consciously as you seek to build new patterns and plans that will echo out for six months to a year.”
The Scorpio New Moon peaks on Nov. 1 at 5:47 AM PT, landing at 9 degrees, which gives it some notable fiery Sagittarius energy. This combination can bring about intense feelings and passion that can feel uncomfortable for some, but it might be just what’s needed to bring some of the aforementioned cleansing into areas of your life that need it most.
You can make the most of this short-lived transit by examining how you share your resources (time and energy included) with others. Ask yourself: How comfortable am I with receiving? What about giving? Do I feel worthy of the things I desire? Why do I desire the things I desire? How do I keep my cup full (nourish myself) so that I can pour into others and develop fruitful relationships? What do I naturally want to give my time and energy to? How does this serve me? What things and relationships leave me feeling drained? How can I give less to them and focus more on what fulfills me?
Black Celebrities With Their Moon in Scorpio
While a person’s Mercury placement will never be more than two signs away from their Sun, the Moon transits much more rapidly, moving through each spot on the zodiac wheel in a matter of days. Looking at a person’s lunar sign can indicate how they deal with emotions; when in Scorpio, you’ll find nothing short of passion, loyalty and emotional depth. Surface level doesn’t work for these individuals, they require connection with those who can meet them as deeply as they’ve met themselves, otherwise their fine on their own.
The downside of having a Scorpio Moon can be their overly sensitive nature, especially if they allow pride to step in and hold a grudge. However, if they lean into the true transformative nature of the scorpion, these people will learn to see every experience as a mirror and opportunity to help them level up. They may disappear for months (or even years) at a time while in the process of rebirth, but when they’ve emerged from their cocoon with brand new butterfly wings, there’s no doubt you’ll notice.

If you’re navigating a season of change, perhaps channeling the mysterious ways of Beyoncé – disappearing and focusing on you until you feel ready to show up as your best self again – is how you should utilize this Scorpio New Moon. Rather than address every unflattering rumor that surfaces about her, Queen B keeps her eye on the prize and protecting her family.
She and Jay-Z are quick to combat allegations against them that arise unfounded, but the couple also maintains at least some privacy regarding what unfolds in their home. Having an earthy Virgo Sun helps keep Beyoncé’s watery Scorpio Moon grounded, plus she has a Libra Mercury that ensures balance stays a priority in her communications. Her Venus also falls under the scales, explaining her aesthetically satisfying relationship, but the Houston native’s fiery passion and sex appeal clearly comes from her Leo Mars.
Martin Lawrence and Will Smith

Interestingly, on-and-off-screen besties Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are both Scorpio Moons too! The pair have co-starred in four Bad Boys films across many decades, forming one of Hollywood’s favorite bromances. While some people with this placement find it difficult to work with someone as intense and deep as them, these two prove that it’s possible for two headstrong people to look past their differences and focus instead on what brings them together.
Lawrence is an Aries Sun while Smith is a Libra – these fall directly across from each other on the zodiac wheel, making them sister signs and potentially explaining why the crime-fighting pair are such good friends. When taking his outburst at the 2022 Oscars into consideration, it’s surprising to note how much Libra Smith has in his birth chart (both Mercury and Venus), but when provoked, an angry Scorpio Moon can’t help but take action, especially in defense of their loved one.