It is important to get your winter health and wellness in order before temperatures drop too low. Adjusting your self-care routine to prioritize wellness is essential for boosting your mood and promoting healthy living. To live in tune with the seasons means to adjust your eating and sleeping habits, plus more.

Slow living is all about taking time to live at your own pace. Think of it as radically choosing to stay in your own slow lane despite the demands of the hyper-online, impatient and demanding world. Resisting busyness can have positive effects on overall well-being. When it comes to slow living, there are several things that promote ease and restfulness in your routines. Read on to discover the recommended wellness habits to ease into this winter.

Slow-Living Habits to Incorporate into Your Winter Self-Care

Cook More Food That You Love, Slowly

Good food is a love language for most. Taking the time to cook your favorite foods will significantly improve your eating habits this winter. Think one-pot dishes that are slow-cooked and heavily spiced. If accessible, spending more time in the kitchen making your favourite recipes will boost your mood and give your gut a break from takeout.

Rejuvenate Your Morning and Night Time Routines

How you choose to start and end your day can make a difference. If you’re already in the habit of keeping routines, it might be time to consider adding some extra comfort to the dark mornings and early nights. If daylight savings occurs where you live, consider how that affects your routines and what you may benefit from. Changing your morning breakfast options to something cooked and filling or extending the evening routines (with more lush candles) could be good places to start.

Create Time for Intentional Rest

Intentionality is all about showing up consciously and being fully present in your decision-making. Choosing to rest to avoid burnout or over-committing is needed more in the winter. While you might be down to say ‘yes’ to all plans in the summer months, the winter may call for more inward connection and hibernation. Take as much rest as you need, often. Feel free to schedule it in when you need.

Stay Active

Keep your body moving in the winter, too! While it is easy to stay indoors where it is warm and exempt from the frigid winds, it’s a good idea to work up a sweat regularly. Work-out inspo ideas, such as hot yoga, boxing sessions, and HIIT, are all great winter-approved ways to maintain your workout routines. Otherwise, grab a friend and hit the gym in the off-hours to enjoy the gym with more space and fewer crowds.

Declutter Where You Stay

Choosing to live slowly is about paying close attention to your living space. How does your home make you feel? Does your space represent who you are? What no longer makes sense for this season of your life? Take advantage of the winter feels and create time to declutter each room of your home/living environment.

Celebrate Small Wins – Living Slow Is Living a Life of Noticing

Ground yourself in the small wins. Western society often makes it harder for Black women to be openly proud of themselves. So, even if you’re not accustom to embracing your excellence, it’s essential to do so as part of your winter wellness. Simplifying your life by honoring the ‘small things’ helps you cultivate more gratitude and joy. If joy becomes a part of your daily life, the darkness of the winter months becomes brighter. 

Slow-living hobbies and mindful habits are all a part of the process for a happier, healthier winter. Make it your priority to care for yourself by living gently in these colder times.