So it is officially the New Year! That means it’s time for some annual goal setting, ladies. There’s nothing like a fresh start to help motivate us and get us ready for the new year. New Year's Resolutions always feel like the ultimate kick in the butt for me, but I embrace them because I love taking part in something that a lot of other people are taking part in.
Having a sense of community is fun, and I like watching us cheer each other on as we all work on becoming #bosswomen. To kick the year off, I’ve created ten critical goals that I would like to achieve throughout the next year, and I wanted to share them with you all in the hopes you might take them on too! Here we go.
1. Find a hobby
Photo: Pinterest
This year; I’d like to pick up a new skill or take on a new activity. I haven’t decided yet what I’d like to learn, but I’m leaning toward taking a painting class, dance class, or joining a book club.
Photo: Pinterest
This is something I want to continue into the new year. We should all start out right by having a full clean out of my bedroom and closet, followed by a significant de-stash of my makeup and skincare collections.
Photo: Pinterest
At the beginning of each year, give yourself a phrase as the theme for the coming months. For 2018, I’ve chosen “eliminate distractions and embrace gratitude” as my primary goal. I can be easily distracted, so focusing on getting rid of any distractions in my life so I can get more out of experience will help to fulfill me in all aspects of my life.
Photo: Pinterest
I turned 26 this month and ever since then, I have felt my metabolism surely but slowly come to a screeching halt. A big goal I’ve set for myself is to get my health in check before turning 30. My 20s have been my time to have fun and do whatever I want, but now that they’re coming to a close I want to focus on bigger and better things, like keeping healthy so I can be around to live my life to the fullest.
Photo: Pexels
I spend a vast majority of my time indoors. I want to change that this year, so I plan on getting outside more, hiking, biking, being one with nature. This can tie in well with my health goals.
Photo: Pinterest
This year, I want us to all push ourselves out of our comfort zones and to make some new skills. What that means for everyone, I’m not sure… for me, it means maybe I’ll travel somewhere new on my own, something I have always wanted to do.
Photo: Pinterest
I love to read during the holidays. I mean, who doesn't like to sit down with a good book in their hand for a couple of hours? When I am relaxing like this, I remember why I need to read more instead of always being on my phone, plugged into social media.
Photo: Pinterest
This new year, give yourself a solid reason to spend wisely. Starting today, I’ll be creating a spending budget for the year. I will not shop while I wait, but I will take stock of what I already have. Maybe I will even find myself an accountability partner to keep me in line. Find whatever works for you.
Photo: Pexels
I pride myself on being self-taught for many things and want to continue learning new skills in 2019. The main subjects I want to focus on is photography, entrepreneurship, and plant-based eating, but I’m game for becoming knowledgeable about any topic life throws my way this year.
Photo: Pexels
I’m a big believer in hard work and setting big goals. I tend to be a bit of a workaholic. In 2019, I’d like to create a better work-play balance – knowing when it’s time to work and when it’s okay to relax and chill a little bit.
What’s something you want to do in 2019?
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