When it comes to makeup, I like to think that it’s subjective.

When you think makeup do’s and don'ts, there really aren’t necessarily rules to be followed, you should be allowed to do what you like and have fun playing around with it.

However, with that being said, there are definitely a handful of makeup mistakes that, can make someone’s application go from professional-looking to amateur in a matter of seconds.

I’ve had my fair share of beauty mistakes over the years, and it turns out I am not alone in the fight to slay my makeup.

Here are 5 makeup mistakes most of us make, and how we can avoid them:

Applying makeup on a dry face

Nothing is worse than applying foundation and powder on a flaky face (and nothing slides off quicker than applying makeup on an oily face). Always make sure to prep that skin before you start applying makeup. If you have naturally oily skin, opt for a mattifying primer to put on after your moisturizer but before your makeup. I personally love the Estee Lauder primer. This should help your makeup stay put and keep you shine free.

Not extending your base

This has happened to me on many an occasion. I have walked out of the house with my face and neck two completely different colors, and I can say without a doubt that it is mortifying. Not extending to the hairline and down the neck is a classic mistake that pretty much everyone makes at some point. Always check that your foundation is blended down your throat for the best natural-looking coverage.

Lipstick on teeth

You are lying if you say this has never happened to you at least once in your life! With this mistake, it’s easier than you think to get your bright lipstick on your teeth, and there’s nothing more mortifying than catching your reflection in a mirror with a colorful clump of red hue on your front tooth. The easiest way to prevent this travesty from happening? Pucker up your lips like you’re drinking through a straw, stick your finger in your mouth and then slide it out slowly. Any other lipstick should come off on your finger and Woolah,  you will have the perfect pout.  

Not blending eyeshadow

Blending out the eyeshadows after you’ve applied them to your eyes is a step you do not want to skip, even if you’re only wearing one eyeshadow or color for the day. This is so that you can create a flat base that won't have any harsh edges or lines. Always use a light hand when blending to create a smooth, gradient effect on the lids rather than a muddy, patchy one.

Forgetting to curl those lashes

One of the simplest ways to make your eyes look bigger and instantly more awake is to curl your lashes before applying mascara. Giving your lashes that extra kick really makes them pop.

What are some makeup mishaps you’ve made in the past? Do you want to swap some embarrassing moments?

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