If you're trying to cut down on expenses or tired of not knowing what's really going into your hair, DIY natural hair products might be for you. Here are 11 quick and easy-to-make natural hair products that will help you reach your reduced budget goals and a more conscious hair care regimen:

This moisturizing deep conditioner

A pre-poo treatment that will moisturize your dry hair

An overnight hot oil treatment for ultra-soft coils

A strengthening and growing hair mask

Or, this Holy Grail mask that will help any issue your hair is facing 

This all-natural protein treatment made from items you can find in your kitchen

An okra gel if you're tired of alcohol drying out your strands or you just want to try something new

Or, this flax seed gel if you're not too fond of okra

This edge control to that will help regrow and tame your edges

A natural shampoo if you're tired of chemicals stripping your hair

A simple to make leave-in conditioner that will keep your hair protected

Because who doesn't want hair as luxurious as Egyptian cotton?