Over the past year, I have transformed my home into a place where health and wellness thrives.

Getting sick used to be the “norm” for me, but then I decided that I needed to do something about that and I found some handpicked essential oils to help with cold and flu symptoms.

Did you know that one of the quickest ways to feel the benefits is by inhaling your oils?

By doing this, you can experience both emotional and physical relief from common symptoms and stressors associated with being sick.

So you don't have to, I buckled down, did some research and found (in my humble opinion) the four main oils you need when you are feeling under the weather. Now, you can decide which brand works for you, but make sure that they are entirely natural, potent and not diluted with other chemicals and junk.

We’re smack dab in the middle of cold and flu season, so listen close sis! Here are four oils that I’m using to keep my body and immune system healthy this year. Just make sure that you consider your medical history and any allergies when picking oils.

1. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Photo: Pinterest

This oil smells so good! It has a sweet, refreshing scent and is perfect for helping with congestion and clearing our nasal passages. Try this Handcraft Eucalyptus Essential Oil from Amazon

Photo: Amazon

2. Lemongrass essential oil

Photo: Pinterest

To help reduce muscle pain, this essential oil is a must. Lemongrass is not only a great way to stimulate your immune system, but it also serves as an antipyretic used in certain medicines to reduce fevers and induce sweating, according to Healthline. Even further, it serves as a natural remedy to heal wounds and help prevent infections. Try this Lemongrass 100% Pure Essential Oil from Piping Rock

Photo: Piping Rock

3. Peppermint Essential Oil

Photo: Pinterest

Looking for something minty and fresh to help chill out and stimulate blood flow? Then this is the oil for you. Peppermint oils stimulate the digestive and respiratory system, as well as reducing inflammation and stimulating blood flow. Who needs peppermint candy when this all-natural remedy will do the trick? Try this Peppermint Essential Oil from Plant Therapy.

4. Ginger Essential Oil

Photo: Pinterest

Need a little help getting out of bed in the morning?

This essential oil promotes clarity and is also known for being a useful digestive property that relieves constipation, vomiting, and nausea associated with sickness. Throw away those ginger chews and grab a bottle of this stuff, you won't regret it. Try this Ginger Root 100% Pure Essential Oil from Piping Rock.

Photo: Piping Rock

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