Spoiler alert: There are no cookies on this list, sis.

It's pretty much a well-known fact that feeding our bodies small amounts of healthy snacks during the day is an excellent way to curb intense cravings, limit hunger and avoid overeating throughout the day.  

There’s no perfect science to it, but many experts state that in addition to eating our regular, healthy balanced meals, each of us should enjoy an assortment of healthy snacks that can promote weight loss. You should aim for one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon snack. So, for those that are looking for some natural energy and to beat the mid-afternoon crash, here are some heart-healthy snacks that are yummy, easy to make and deliver an appropriate number of nutrients to keep your hunger at bay. 

1. Hard-boiled eggs

Photo: Pexels

Packed with protein, this classic will help stave off even the worst hunger pangs and give you the energy you need to get through that workday, sis. If you must have something else, eat it with some with cut-up veggies or another source of lean protein like beans or nuts.

2. Peanut butter and apples

Photo: Pinterest

Spread one tablespoon of peanut butter on apples for a texture combination that satisfies your both your sweet and salty craving in a healthy way.

3. Red Bell Pepper with Guacamole

Photo: Pinterest

Guacamole has loads of healthy fat and potent antioxidants, whereas red bell peppers have a good source of Vitamin C and B.

4. Greek Yogurt and Mixed fruit

Photo: Pexels

Greek yogurt is filled with good proteins and probiotics which are essential to help reduce hunger, boost metabolism and build muscle.

5. Kale Chips

Photo: Pinterest

Kale is perfect for a midday snack because it contains no cholesterol, no saturated or trans fats. Create a fresh batch at home and you will have created a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats to munch on throughout the day. 

6. Dark Chocolate and Nuts

Photo: Pinterest

Get your daily dose of antioxidants in dark chocolate and a good source of calcium in almonds. Or, if you are a fan of cashews, go for it! They are rich in iron and high in magnesium.

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