The black cat and golden retriever theory is one of the latest theories to describe the dynamics of a relationship. Like the orange peel and ketchup theories, users have taken to the platform to explain how they work. The theory: happy relationships happen between a black cat (feminine energy) and a golden retriever (masculine energy). Some TikTokers and alleged relationship experts say that this is the only way to achieve balance in a connection. But is that actually true and is it healthy? In this case, we’ll be the golden retrievers and chase down the information.
The Black Cat and Golden Retriever Theory
In this relationship dynamic, the golden retriever is doing the chasing. And, according to the stereotypes associated with black cats, they aren’t as emotionally available as their golden retriever counterparts. There’s also the perspective that says golden retrievers are blissfully unaware. They trust their hyperaware and possessive black cat partners to be their protection. While this may be a traditional style of romance, connections of today have expanded. Couples have come forward where the masculine energy is the black cat and the feminine energy is the golden retriever, which is said to work, too. Users have even offered up other types of connections like “black cat and bunny,” or “black cat and Doberman.”
TikTokers With Different Relationships Speak Out
These renditions remind us that the style and success of a relationship is determined solely by the parties involved. It also asks why any party need to be more or less committed in order for it to work. The traits associated with black cats have been said to be strengths when possessed by feminine energies. Unbothered, independent, powerful and mysterious which, when paired with a golden retriever, allows the black cat to shine. However, the naiveté and dependency of a golden retriever is what allows them to love and care without feeling threatened.
Whether You’re A Black Cat, Bunny, Golden Retriever or Doberman, Your Partner Is Out There
As we’ve learned via TikTok theories, dating shows and real-life experiences, relationships are maintained by those who want to be in them. And what may work traditionally, might need some tweaking for the next set of folks who are in love and committed.
Increased access to each other’s lives has led many of us to believe that we’re experts about matters outside of our own personal situations. The gag is no one knows how another relationship works. No one knows its privacies, true dynamics or how they function behind closed doors. Can black cats make it together? Sure. Can golden retrievers make it work together? Sure. Awareness of self is the first step towards a successful relationship so knowing how you relate to others is key. Stepping into the ness of being a black cat, golden retriever, bunny or doberman is an act of being honest with yourself and potential partners.
Limiting yourself to the traits of these dynamics is the faux pass in any dynamic. So whether or not you find yourself relating to someone else, in a platonic, romantic or familial way, be open to development, to eb and flow and maybe even reversing the roles from time to time. You might learn something and better than that, you might have fun!