We are in the age where spending time with people is possible without even having to be in the same room. If you have a friend that you met online, a long distance partner or any other relationship where you can’t meet in person, these 100 dares over text are perfect for you.

These dares over text also work for when distance is not the issue. Do you and your friend have nothing to do? Do you not have the money to meet up with everyone? Are you feeling lazy and don’t want to leave the house? No matter what your situation is, these dares over text are the perfect way to have fun with someone without physically being together. 

Here Are Dares Over Text To Send To A Friend

Dare your friend to try a spoonful of hot sauce and describe their reaction in emojis.

Dare someone to make a sandwich using unusual ingredients like pickles, peanut butter, and mustard, then take a bite and rate it out of 10.

Dare someone to order the most unique item on a restaurant menu and share their thoughts on it.

Dare someone to try a bizarre food combination like dipping fries in ice cream and rate the experience out of 10.

Dare your friend to cook a meal using only ingredients they have in their pantry right now, no grocery store trips allowed.

Dare someone to eat a spoonful of something spicy and then try to sing a song and send you a recording.

Dare someone to eat a spoonful of something sweet and savory at the same time, like a cookie with a slice of cheese

Dare someone to create a funny, made-up recipe and share it with you in detail.

Dare your friend to make a smoothie using three random ingredients they blindly pick from their fridge and try it.

Food Dares That Feel Like They Came Straight From ‘Fear Factor’

Dare someone to go to their fridge and find the oldest item in there then take a tiny bite (if it’s edible) or smell it.

Dare someone to write a short food poem or haiku and send it to you.

Dare someone to take a selfie with the weirdest food item they can find at a grocery store.

Dare your friend to take a bite of a lemon and capture their sour expression in a photo.

Dare someone to try the hot pepper challenge and record their reaction video.

Dare someone to recreate a famous dish from a movie or TV show and show you the result.

Dare someone to blindfold themselves and taste-test three different foods, guessing what they are.

Dare someone to create a “food sculpture” using fruits, vegetables, or any food items they have on hand, then share a photo.

Dare someone to eat a piece of chocolate without licking their lips and send a video as proof.

Dare someone to create a unique ice cream sundae with at least five different toppings and send a picture.

Dare someone to try a food they’ve never liked in a new way (e.g., if they dislike Brussels sprouts, challenge them to prepare them in a creative recipe) and share their opinion.

Dares Over Text For When You Cannot Leave The House

Dare someone to do a one-minute stand-up comedy routine with you as the audience.

Dare them to make a funny and creative TikTok video in their living room and send it to you.

Dare your friend to try a DIY art project and share their masterpiece with you.

Dare them to build the tallest card tower they can and send a picture.

Dare someone to write a short story or poem and text it to you.

Dare them to a virtual game of “20 Questions” with a mystery object they choose.

Dare your friend to reenact their favorite movie scene using household items as props and send a video.

Dare someone to have a dance-off with you over video call to their favorite song.

Dare someone to create a new recipe using only the ingredients they currently have in their kitchen and send you the recipe.

Dare someone to a virtual game of “Name that Tune” using songs from their own playlist.

Dare your friend to do a hilarious and unexpected costume change during your video call.

Dare someone to a virtual trivia quiz with questions on a topic of your choice.

Dare someone to write a heartfelt letter or message to someone they care about and share it with you.

Use These Creative Dares To Have Fun At Home

Dare someone to a digital scavenger hunt, where they have to find and send pictures of specific items around their home.

Dare your friend to create a short, funny skit and perform it on video for you.

Dare someone to a virtual “show and tell” where they share something interesting from their home and explain its significance.

Dare someone to take a silly selfie with a household item chosen by you.

Dare someone to do a tongue-twister challenge and send you a video of them attempting the most challenging one they can find.

Dare your friend to have a karaoke session over video call and sing their favorite song.

Dare someone to a DIY science experiment using household items and explain the results to you.

Dare someone to post a funny and goofy selfie on their social media with a silly caption.

Dare someone to record a video of themselves doing their best impression of a famous cartoon character.

Dare your friend to sing a cheesy love song to a random household object and send you the recording.

Dares Over Text To Send To Embarrass Someone

Dare someone to send a text message to their crush or a random contact saying, “I just found out I can juggle marshmallows with my feet. Wanna see?”

Dare someone to create a hilarious and exaggerated makeup look and share a selfie with you.

Dare them to wear mismatched shoes or socks for an entire day.

Dare someone to change their phone’s ringtone to a funny and embarrassing sound and leave it that way for a day.

Dare someone to call a pizza place and ask if they deliver pizza to the moon.

Dare someone to post a video on their social media doing a dramatic reenactment of a mundane task, like washing dishes.

Dare someone to post on their social media, confessing their secret love for a fictional character.

Dare someone to send a text to their parents or a family member saying, “I accidentally adopted a pet racoon today.”

Dare your friend to post an embarrassing childhood photo on their social media.

Dare your friend to change their profile picture to a photo of a celebrity for a day.

Dare your friend to call a local radio station and request a silly song.

Dare someone to send a text message to a friend saying, “I just discovered I have a twin sibling I never knew about!”

Dare your friend to write a funny and embarrassing poem about themselves and share it with you.

Dare someone to change their Facebook relationship status to “In a Relationship” with a fictional character.

Dare someone to go to a store and ask for a non-existent product, like “unicorn food.”

Dare your friend to send a text message to their boss or supervisor saying, “I can’t come to work today because my pet goldfish is having an existential crisis.”

Dare someone to post a video on their social media pretending to have a dramatic meltdown over something trivial, like running out of cereal.

Dares Over Text That Friends Will Be Too Scared To Do

Dare your friend to turn off all the lights in their house and spend 10 minutes alone in complete darkness, sharing their thoughts afterward.

Dare them to watch a classic horror movie alone at night and provide a review with their heart rate included.

Dare someone to record themselves telling a ghost story in a dimly lit room and send it.

Dare your friend to take a selfie in front of a mirror with the lights off and share it with you. Bonus points for any unexpected reflections!

Dare someone to play a spooky video game and record their in-game reactions, especially the jump scares.

Dare your friend to listen to eerie music or sound effects in complete darkness for 15 minutes.

Dare someone to recite a creepy incantation or chant three times in front of a mirror in a dimly lit room.

Dare someone to perform a scary, Halloween-themed makeup transformation and send you the before-and-after pictures.

Dare your friend to record themselves attempting to summon a fictional ghost or monster using a spooky ritual.

Dare them to research a local urban legend and share the story with you.

Dare someone to walk around their house alone at night with just a flashlight for 15 minutes while telling you about any eerie feelings they experience.

Dare your friend to create a ghostly shadow puppet show and send you a video.

Dare someone to listen to a creepy podcast or narrated ghost story while alone in a dark room and provide a summary.

Dare them to try a paranormal-themed app or game and tell you if anything unusual happens.

Dare your friend to dress up as a ghost and attempt to scare someone in their household.

Dare someone to spend the night in their basement or attic, alone with dim lighting.

Dare someone to research a local abandoned place and share its spooky history with you.

Dare your friend to attempt a séance using a virtual medium or app and report on the “results.”

Dare someone to put on a creepy mask and perform a ghostly dance, recording it for your amusement.

Dare your friend to create a short ghost hunt video in their own home, complete with EVP sessions and ghostly encounters (all faked, of course).

Dares Over Text To Do In Public

Dare your friend to sing a song in a crowded area, like a park or in their neighborhood.

Dare them to approach a stranger and give them a compliment or a high-five.

Dare someone to do a random act of kindness, like buying a coffee for the person behind them in line at a cafe.

Dare your friend to start a dance party in a public space, like a sidewalk or a bus stop.

Dare someone to wear a silly costume (e.g., a chicken suit) and walk around a busy area for 15 minutes.

Dare them to make a funny sign and stand on a street corner with it for a while (e.g., “Free Hugs” or “Tell Me a Joke”).

Dare your friend to strike up a conversation with a stranger and ask them for a joke to share with you.

Dare someone to ask a stranger to recommend a book, movie, or song and then check it out.

Dare someone to go to a public place and do a cartwheel or somersault.

Dare A Friend To Be THAT Person You See On TikTok

Dare your friend to approach someone wearing headphones and ask what they’re listening to.

Dare someone to engage in a brief conversation with a street performer or busker.

Dare them to perform a short, funny skit with a friend in a public park.

Dare your friend to sing “Happy Birthday” to a stranger in a cafe or restaurant.

Dare them to give a random person a compliment and ask them to pass it on to someone else.

Dare someone to start a spontaneous round of applause in a public place.

Dare your friend to go to a busy area and offer to take photos for tourists.

Dare someone to perform a funny interpretive dance in a public square.

Dare them to approach a street performer and join in by playing an instrument or dancing.

Dare your friend to strike a superhero pose and proclaim, “I’m here to save the day!” in a crowded place.

Dare them to organize a mini flash mob with a group of friends and perform a choreographed dance in a public area.