It’s a baby girl for attorney and media personality Eboni K. Williams. The personality announced she is expecting a child after going through IVF.

Williams revealed the news to PEOPLE, calling her pregnancy a remarkable miracle. She previously shared her decision to freeze her eggs and use a sperm donor in hopes of becoming a mother. She told the magazine she has nicknamed her daughter “one-of-one” partly because it took just one egg retrieval to realize her goal.

“I did one egg retrieval at 34 years old, not really having a clear intention on if I would use those eggs or when I would use the eggs,” Williams told the magazine. “And six years later, that one egg retrieval led to one genetically normal embryo which led to one successful embryo transfer and — one pregnancy later — I’ll soon have, God willing, one beautifully healthy baby girl.”

Dating Standards

Williams has been transparent about her dating standards as a successful Black woman. In 2023, she caused a stir after sharing her thoughts on the type of man she would date, specifically the type of employment he should have. In a special interview with Iyanla Vanzant, Williams discussed the dating pool for Black women. Vanzant asked Williams if she would date a bus driver and Williams’ response was, “If he owned the bus.” This opened up the floodgates on social media for opinions.

Williams responded to the backlash in a video clip posted to her Instagram account. She framed her response from the perspective of dating a man with aspirations.

“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with driving a bus… but could it be that Black America has been sold a narrative of average, regular and typical being good enough for us?” Williams said in the video clip.

She challenged the idea that Black women should accept a “good man” no matter what he brings to the table.

On Her Own Terms

On her Instagram post announcing her pregnancy, several commenters, many of which were Black men, referenced Williams bus driver comments.

“Ain’t this the sister that was saying she won’t date a man making 40-50k yearly?” one wrote.

Other Black women jumped to Williams defense pointing out that she stated her standard and held to that. Rather than settling for something she did not want, they pointed out, she found a way to reach her goals on her own terms.

“Let me chime in to help out some of the unsolicited advice in the comments,” one user wrote. “If you follow her work you will notice a pattern of @ebonikwilliams consistently living by her own rules NOT yours…bottom line THIS Child is coming into this world and she will be raised with LOVE and Ms.Williams made HER decision WITHOUT the opinion of others.”