A good sign that any first date will be the last one is if one person spends the entire evening talking about themselves. Poor communication skills on a first date is an instant turn off. If your partner doesn’t bother to ask you a single question, then it can be a sign that they lack consideration or are self-centered.

Above all, you want your partner to interact with you in the same way that you interact with that person. You want to see them take interest in you and your experiences. Here are some first date questions and topics that your partner should ask you. 

Your Opinions 

The person you’re sitting across from should want to get to know how you think. Everything from pop culture to politics are excellent conversation-starters. Based on his reactions and responses, you also can determine if you are interested in enough of the same things to keep a healthy conversation going.

Your Dreams

Anyone who is interested in you will want to know about the things you like to devote your time and energy to. They’ll want to know what you consider your purpose to be. Truly invested people may even think about ways they can help you reach your dreams.

The Activities You Like

The first date can showcase exactly how much your partner has been paying attention to you. If your partner is the one planning the dates, it would be nice if they seek your input about the places you’ll want to go. Only doing what one person wants is a recipe for resentment.

Past Relationships 

Questions about the past may make some people feel uneasy. However, you’re partner asking you about what you liked and didn’t like about previous partners provides a wealth of information about what you’ve experienced, what you won’t tolerate any more and what potential baggage you may be carrying.

Your Beliefs

Some people are totally confident in expressing their most deeply held beliefs. Others don’t necessarily want to lead with something so personal. It’s best to get a temperature of the conversation and let these type of inquiries happen naturally. Knowing about someone’s spiritual, moral, religious beliefs is important in the foundation of the relationship. If you continue to see one another, you’ll want to know that these beliefs align for your future together.