When it comes to throwbacks, Gavin Turek brings us all the way back to the 80s with her Whitney Houston vibes. The singer, who's trendy vocals pop against her disco-like beats, paired with her 20’s attire and energetic dance moves will have you in a trance when enjoying her performances and videos. 

The singer, who is part-Czech and part black, shared with Vogue that she had a tough time finding herself as she was growing up. The Los Angeles native spent a lot of her youth trying to hide her curls with straighteners while in high school. She found herself not identifying with any of her classmates nor any of the histories that she was being taught. 

Photo: LA Weekly

She ventured away from her school teachings and picked up books by feminists authors including Audre Lorde and bell hooks, and finally found a connection with what she was reading. With her self-discovery came the confidence to further pursue her songwriting, performance and music. 

The ballet and bamaya-trained performer finds inspiration in iconic entertainers such as Diana Ross, Whitney Houston and Roberta Flack. As she found her voice within the music industry, she defined herself as different, “I [like] making very funk, soul-driven, fresh pop music that has elements of disco. It’s a hybrid,” she shared with Vogue.

When it comes to her looks, perhaps one of the most eye-catching components of Turek's personal style is her gorgeous curls. The singer dons her hair in picked and fluffed out curls which she achieves by styling it with a cult favorite, Shea Moisture’s Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie while her head is upside down to ensure that she achieves her desired and known-for volume. 

Like many of us know, moisture is key when it comes to our hair. To ensure her hair is always moisturized, she uses Ouidad's hair mask once a week, “We can’t be afraid of doing hydration masks and not just once a month, once a week,” she stated. 

However, when she feels like toning it down, she wears her hair in a slicked back low bun which she achieves using the DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler. Turek says she enjoys the product because in addition to its amazing smell, it doesn’t leave any gel residue, which is essential during performances and for the aftercare when she takes down her bun. 

Photo: @tigertigerstudio

However, her hair isn’t the only thing that’s eye-catching: her beauty is truly one of a kind as well. When it comes to skincare Turek trusts Tata Harper for eye cream and uses jojoba oil for the daytime. 

For her stage looks, she relies on NARS matte lipsticks, her favorite colors being nude, pink and red, along with Milk Makeup’s high-pigmented shadows, which are also a celebrity makeup artist favorite. While her looks may always surprise us, she remains true to her disco elements. 

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