There’s always talk about how people tend to go all out when it comes to the moms in their lives on Mother’s Day. Now, the clock is ticking to grab a gift with meaning for Father’s Day, especially for the guys who say “I’m good” and don’t need anything during the celebratory Sunday designated in their honor. 21Ninety’s recommendation is to do something, despite what he may say. Here’s last-minute recommendations around gifts for the dad who says he wants nothing, but definitely deserves some attention.

Bundle His Fave Snacks

Who doesn’t love snacking? Give the dad in your life his favorite bites— in bulk! Whether it’s potato chips, protein bars, peanuts, jerky or a mix of all, stock up and buy a ton of his favorite treats that will last him a while. You can fancy it up by placing the goodies in some decorative bins or if your dad likes to keep it straightforward a simple bow will do.

Movie Day

The remote control on Father’s Day belongs to him. While most spend time watching TV, while simultaneously scrolling on smartphones, you can use this time to put down those devices and spend time with dad by viewing his favorite movies or join him in binge-watching that one series he can never seem to finish.


According to the Society of American Florists, guys enjoy the gift of flowers for the same reason they give them: the recognition. In the same way the ladies love receiving that unexpected bouquet, a surprise floral gift on Father’s Day will catch his attention. You can order them if same-day delivery is available or add a little personal touch by picking up a nice floral arrangement from the store and place it in a vase alternative like a mason jar, beer mug or watering can. 

Dine Out/Order In

Dad on the grill during Father’s Day has become a tradition for some with the obvious irony that the man in your life is doing the heaviest lift on a day that shouldn’t be. Change it up and book reservations at his favorite restaurant or carryout if the wait time is unmanageable. If he’s someone who prefers staying in and relaxing, open up that food delivery app and have him select his menu must-haves.

Hobby Together

It may sound cliché, but honestly time is the most expensive thing to give someone. To take it a step further on Father’s Day by using the Sunday to join him in his favorite hobby. This may include video games, listening to his favorite playlist, fishing or golfing. Sometimes the best moments and conversations happen when things are planned out every second of the day. 

This Father’s Day don’t buy into what you hear when he says he doesn’t need anything, instead give him something that’s thoughtful and truly takes him into consideration.