If people are anything like wine, they get better with time. Once you reach this milestone, you have officially reached adulthood. While there are a lot of mental and physical changes still happening in your 20s, your 30s is a threshold of maturity and wisdom. Here are seven mindset changes that could happen when you reach your 30s.
You Communicate Boundaries
No is a full sentence. While you were younger, you may have said yes to everything. Now that you are in your 30s, your mindset changes. You’ve learned how to set firm boundaries. You do not believe in overcommitting yourself because it will only lead to burn out. You’ve learned to assess your energy levels and your capacity, so that you can set boundaries that make sense for you.
You Prioritize Rest and Your Well-Being
Hustle culture is no longer something you partake in. While you used to pride yourself on working long and odd hours, now you log off promptly at the end of the work day. You’ve learned to prioritize recharging and relaxation, and to set aside time to fill up your cup. In your 30s, you know that a job is temporary, but your mental and emotional health is something you’ll live with forever, so you must invest in it.
You Stop Shopping for Trends, and You Start Shopping for Yourself
In your 20s, you were all about the latest trends. Your closet was full of fast fashion items that you’d purchase at the mall. When you reach your 30s, your mindset changes and you believe in quality pieces and shopping for your personal style. Larger price tags don’t scare you because you know that quality clothing will last a lifetime.
You Laugh at Yourself More
Laughing at yourself and not taking yourself too seriously comes easier as you get older. You stumble and fall, you forget someone’s name or you forget to zip your front zipper, you learn to laugh it off and go with the flow. As you reach your 30s, you learn to not take yourself, your mistakes or life’s ups and downs so seriously. You learn to find joy, even in the chaos.
You Focus on Quality of Friends, More Than Quantity
In your 20s, it’s all about good vibes and having a good time. However, once you reach your 30s, you understand that friendship is just as much about the highs as it is the lows. Quality friends stick with you throughout all the seasons of life. As you get older, you focus more on building relationships that have depth.
You Care Less About What People Think
By the time you reach your 30s, you understand that not everyone will like you, and that is OK. You know who you are, you know your strengths and areas of growth, and you know what you bring to the table. With that understanding and acceptance of who you are, you’ve also learned to care less about what others think. You’ve learned to take the comments from the haters and the naysayers and toss them out with the traffic.
You Invest in Yourself
As you reach your 30s, you learn to spend time working on yourself. This might look like setting aside time for counseling, purchasing a gym membership, or taking a class to learn a new skill. Investing in yourself is about pouring resources and time into becoming the best version of yourself. As you reach your 30s, you learn the value of filling up your cup and investing in yourself, and you don’t feel bad about it one bit.