Would you ever consider bleaching your skin for $10,000? Nyakim Gatwech, a Minnesota-based Sudanese model, was asked that very question by a light skinned black man that was Uber-ing her to a job interview. This incident was back in 2017 and since then, Gatwech has booked numerous modeling gigs — most recently becoming the face of Annabelle Cosmetics. 

Gatwech chatted with Cosmopolitan back in 2017 and shared that the skin bleaching question is a common one, but a question that doesn’t seem to bother her anymore.

"I’m used to people asking the stupidest questions ever (about my skin)," she shared, so she was shocked to see the support she received after posting the incident on her Instagram. 

Seeing how her story affected others encouraged the self-proclaimed queen of dark chocolate to continue sharing stories of self-acceptance on social media, which boosted her following from 20,000 followers to 393,000 followers. 

With her newest feature as the face of Annabelle Cosmetics, there’s absolutely no denying that her beauty is out of this world. She can be seen across the Canadian beauty brand's in-store displays in bright lipsticks — red on top, pink on bottom — and fierce blue eyeliner that pops against her skin. 

The campaign was released for the launch of their newest addition to the brand, the EDGE Collection, which Gatwech describes in an Instagram post as "a geometric makeup line inspired by all the confident, unconventional and strong women that are comfortable in their own skin, but also sensual and passionate."

Be sure to follow Nyakim Gatwech on Instagram to keep up with everything she’s doing or just admire her beauty, because how can you not?

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