Some say the only things you are guaranteed in life are death and taxes. That’s a dark way of looking at things; but still, it’s partly true. In a world that can be so cruel and cold, having a ride or die in your corner is crucial. A ride or die can truly be anyone you have connected with in life and can trust. They do not have to have been there from day one either, but you know they will be there until the last day.

For some people, that is family; their own blood. Others have friends that have never left their side that they consider to be family. A ride or die could even be the neighbor down the street that is always there when you need a favor. Or the teacher that never gave up on you and was a parental figure to you. It truly does not matter how you define your relationship. As long as you know you can count on someone and they will be there through whatever situation you find yourself in (and vice versa), that’s a ride or die.

Whether that person is a romantic partner, family member, friend or other special person to you, celebrate them and let them know you are there for them too. You can do that by sending them one of these ride or die quotes. 

125 Ride Or Die Quotes To Live By

  1. “Through thick and thin, I’ll always ride by your side.”
  2. “In this journey called life, you’re my favorite passenger.”
  3. “We may not have it all together, but together, we have it all.”
  4. “I’d rather walk with a friend in the dark than alone in the light.”
  5. “A true friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
  6. “Friends don’t let friends do life alone.”
  7. “I’m not leaving your side, no matter how bumpy the ride gets.”
  8. “When the road gets tough, our bond gets tougher.”
  9. “In this story of life, you’re my favorite plot twist.”
  10. “I’ll be your anchor in the storm, your strength when you’re weak.”
  11. “We’re not just friends; we’re partners in this crazy adventure called life.”
  12. “No matter the distance, I’ll always be by your side.”
  13. “Through the highs and lows, I’ll never let you go.”
  14. “You and me, we’re like a team with no limits.”
  15. “In a world full of temporary, we’re each other’s forever.”
  16. “Our bond is unbreakable, our loyalty unwavering.”
  17. “With you, I’ve found my ride or die, my partner in crime.”

Ride Or Die Quotes For Unbreakable Friendships

  1. “You’re not just my friend; you’re my ride or die.”
  2. “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
  3. “Through every twist and turn, you’re my constant.”
  4. “In the book of life, a true friend is your favorite chapter.”
  5. “Friends like us stick together through thick and thin.”
  6. “You and me, we’re the perfect team.”
  7. “I’ll always have your back, no matter what.”
  8. “With you by my side, I can conquer anything.”
  9. “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
  10. “In this journey called life, you’re my trusted co-pilot.”
  11. “Through laughter and tears, we’ll share the years.”
  12. “Good times become great with friends like you.”
  13. “Our friendship is a treasure that I’ll forever cherish.”
  14. “We may not be perfect, but our friendship is.”

Ride Or Die Quotes To Send To Your Chosen Family

  1. “Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.”
  2. “Friendship isn’t about being inseparable; it’s about being separated and knowing nothing will change.”
  3. “Life is better with true friends to share it with.”
  4. “In the friend zone, there’s no exit; we’re here for life.”
  5. “Friends are the stars that light up our darkest nights.”
  6. “With friends like you, every moment is an adventure.”
  7. “You’re the reason my smile is a little brighter.”
  8. “In the story of my life, you’re the best character.”
  9. “Through highs and lows, we continue to grow.”
  10. “A friend is someone who lifts you up when you can’t lift yourself.”
  11. “In friendship, we find the strength to ride through life’s storms.”

Ride Or Die Quotes To Send Your Romantic Partner In Crime

  1. “You’re not just my love; you’re my partner in this wild journey of life.”
  2. “In your arms, I’ve found my forever home.”
  3. “No matter the distance or obstacles, my heart belongs to you.”
  4. “Through every storm, our love remains unshaken.”
  5. “With you, every moment is a love story in the making.”
  6. “You’re my one and only, my ride or die, my forever love.”
  7. “In your love, I’ve found my safe haven.”
  8. “Our love is the kind that inspires poetry and songs.”
  9. “With you, I’ve found the missing piece of my heart.”
  10. “Through thick and thin, you’re the one I’ll always choose.”
  11. “Love is not a destination; it’s the journey we share together.”
  12. “You’re the love of my life, my partner in crime.”

Quotes To Send To The Bonnie To Your Clyde

  1. “In your embrace, I’ve found my forever place.”
  2. “With you, I’ve found a love that’s worth every fight.”
  3. “Our love story is my favorite adventure.”
  4. “In your eyes, I see my future.”
  5. “Through the ups and downs, our love only grows stronger.”
  6. “You and me, we’re a love story written in the stars.”
  7. “In your love, I’ve found my purpose.”
  8. “With you, every day is Valentine’s Day.”
  9. “You’re my rock, my anchor, my everything.”
  10. “Our love is the kind that stands the test of time.”
  11. “With you, I’ve found a love that’s deeper than the ocean.”
  12. “In your arms, I’ve found my forever place of solace.”
  13. “Our love is the kind that keeps me smiling through it all.”

Ride Or Die Quotes That Represent The Bond Between Siblings

  1. “Siblings: the ones who are always there, no matter what.”
  2. “Blood makes you related; loyalty makes you family.”
  3. “In this journey of life, you’re my forever sibling.”
  4. “We may fight, but we’ll always stand by each other’s side.”
  5. “Through thick and thin, we’re in it together.”
  6. “You’re not just my sibling; you’re my partner in crime.”
  7. “Family is where life begins and love never ends.”
  8. “We share a bond that can’t be broken by time or distance.”
  9. “I’ll fight for you, even when you can’t fight for yourself.”
  10. “Sibling love is a love like no other.”
  11. “With you, every memory is a treasure.”
  12. “Through laughter and tears, our bond only grows stronger.”

Quotes For The Sibling Or Favorite Cousin That Makes Up Your Dynamic Duo

  1. “You’re my lifelong friend and confidant.”
  2. “The best thing about having a sibling is that you always have a friend.”
  3. “In our siblinghood, we find strength and support.”
  4. “With you, I’ve shared a lifetime of adventures.”
  5. “Our bond is unbreakable, our love unconditional.”
  6. “Siblings by chance, friends by choice.”
  7. “You’re the person I can always count on.”
  8. “In your company, I find comfort and joy.”
  9. “Siblings are like stars; you may not always see them, but you know they’re always there.”
  10. “Through the ups and downs of life, we navigate together.”
  11. “With you, every day is a new adventure.”
  12. “Siblings are the compasses that guide us through life.”
  13. “You’re not just my sibling; you’re my forever family.”

Quotes That Celebrate Your OGs AKA Your Parents

  1. “A parent’s love knows no bounds; it’s a forever kind of love.”
  2. “You were my first ride or die, my first love.”
  3. “You’re not just here for the good times; You’re here for every time.”
  4. “No one can replace a parent’s love and guidance.”
  5. “Parents: the original ride or die duo.”
  6. “Your sacrifices and love are my greatest treasures.”
  7. “Through every storm, you’re my unwavering support.”
  8. “In your wisdom, I find my path.”
  9. “A parent’s love is like a lighthouse guiding us through life’s storms.”
  10. “You’re not just my parents; you’re my forever heroes.”
  11. “With you, I learned the meaning of unconditional love.”
  12. “A parent’s love is the anchor that keeps us grounded.”
  13. “You’ve always been there, through thick and thin.”
  14. “In your eyes, I see the reflection of your endless love.”

Let Your Parents Or Parental Figures Know You Appreciate Them

  1. “Parents: the ones who believe in us when no one else does.”
  2. “Through every chapter of my life, you’ve been my biggest cheerleaders.”
  3. “A parent’s love is a love that never fades.”
  4. “With you, I’ve learned the true meaning of family.”
  5. “Your love is the foundation upon which I build my life.”
  6. “In your embrace, I find comfort and warmth.”
  7. “You’ve given me the world’s greatest gift—your love.”
  8. “You’d stand with me, even if the world stood against me.”
  9. “With you, I’ve learned the value of kindness and empathy.”
  10. “A parent’s love is the greatest gift of all.”
  11. “In your love, I’ve found my forever home.”

Let Your Kids Know You Will Always Have Their Back

  1. “A parent’s love for their child is the ultimate ‘ride or die’ commitment.”
  2. “You are my heart, my soul, and my reason to keep going.”
  3. “In your smile, I find my greatest joy.”
  4. “No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby.”
  5. “My love for you knows no boundaries; it’s a love that lasts a lifetime.”
  6. “Through every challenge, I’ll stand by your side.”
  7. “You are the most precious gift life has given me.”
  8. “With you, every moment is a cherished memory.”
  9. “I’ll always be your biggest fan, your loudest cheerleader.”
  10. “In your laughter, I find the sweetest music.”
  11. “You are my greatest achievement, my legacy.”
  12. “Your dreams are my dreams, and I’ll help you reach for the stars.”
  13. “Your well-being is my top priority, now and forever.”
  14. “I love you more than words can express.”
  15. “With you, I’ve learned the meaning of selfless love.”
  16. “You are the sunshine that brightens my darkest days.”

Ride Or Die Quotes That Will Make Your Child Or Dependent Feel Safe

  1. “I’ll protect you, guide you, and support you no matter what.”
  2. “In your tears, I find the strength to wipe them away.”
  3. “You’ve made me a better person, and I’m forever grateful.”
  4. “With you, every day is a new adventure.”
  5. “You are my greatest source of pride and joy.”
  6. “In your hugs, I find comfort and solace.”
  7. “I’ll always be here to listen, to understand, and to love you unconditionally.”
  8. “You are the reason my heart is full of love.”
  9. “With you, I’ve discovered a love that knows no limits.”