Motherhood is a beautiful, emotional and deeply transformative journey. While it certainly isn’t for everyone, those who feel called to pursue parenthood can expect deep gratification from the experience. While it’s common for black women to deal with hormonal disorders like PCOS that can make falling pregnant a challenge, it can still feel like an incredibly isolating journey, especially when building a family is a priority.

If you’re on the road to conception, you may have gotten to know your body’s language on a whole new level. It’s constantly communicating what’s going on internally, including when implantation has happened. This step is crucial when it comes to conceiving, and it’s one you’ll want to know how to look out for. Here are some signs of successful implantation, without bleeding.

What is Implantation?

In order to fall pregnant, your ovaries must first release a mature egg, a process that happens during your ovulation phase. The egg then gets fertilized by sperm and travels to your uterus through the fallopian tubes.

Implantation occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine lining and starts to construct the placenta and embryo. This is crucial when it comes to conception, as it’s the beginning stages of your pregnancy.

The signs and symptoms of implantation can easily be confused with PMS or early menstruation, which is why the only way to truly confirm what your body is going through is with a pregnancy test.

Signs of Successful Implantation Without Bleeding

Implantation bleeding is the most common of symptoms, caused by the fertilized egg implanting itself in the uterus. This irritates the uterine lining, causing it to shed. Unlike period spotting, which tends to be red, implantation bleeding is usually light pink or brown. The flow is also lighter, and it doesn’t progressively get heavier.

While spotting is certainly a common indicator of implantation, it isn’t the only way to decipher whether or not you’re in the early stages of pregnancy. Other symptoms to look out for include:

  • Minor cramps
  • Metallic taste in mouth due to rising estrogen
  • Sore breasts thanks to the pregnancy hormone hCG
  • Nausea, constipation, or indigestion 
  • Darkened areolas due to the melanocytes (or nipple cells) being affected
  • Fatigue resulting from the rise of progesterone 
  • Shift in appetite
  • Headaches due to surging hormones 
  • Bloating
  • Mood swings

Implantation happens one to two weeks after ovulation, and as mentioned, many of its symptoms mimic PMS. It can be difficult to decipher what is happening and why, though a pregnancy test is the most surefire route for accuracy.

Your Body Speaks Its Own Language

While there are many signs of successful implantation without bleeding, you may experience none of these symptoms, but don’t lose hope! Everyone’s individual body speaks its own language, and your implantation may happen more silently. Timing is also a crucial component to the accuracy of a pregnancy test, so make sure to see your healthcare provider for guidance.