For most little girls, their dad is their first love and the first man to show them they are beautiful no matter what the world may lead them to believe. Instilling confidence in a child is something every parent, guardian and mentor aspires to successfully accomplish while maintaining the importance of humility and respect for others. 

The Game recently returned from a trip to Amsterdam with a gift for his 7-year-old daughter, Cali Lynn Dream Taylor, hoping it would provide a valuable lesson in confidence, self-love and acceptance, but little did he know Cali was already "hip" to the message he was attempting to provide. 

She pulls me through… True love ❤️

A post shared by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on

While in the Netherlands, black doll-marker Ellen Brudet offered to make The Game a custom doll for Miss Cali. When selecting the look for the doll, he decided he wanted it to resemble Winnie Harlow, a supermodel with vitiligo breaking barriers in the fashion world. Not only is she stunning and has a vibrant personality, Harlow does not cover her skin to conform to what society would label “normal skin.” 

Short story: I was in Amsterdam & I was gifted this doll by a very sweet woman “Ellen Brudet” who is a doll maker & she wanted to make my daughter one of her dolls…. I had to pick how I wanted it & out of the things I could’ve thought of… I had an idea to have her create one that favored one of my favorite people @winnieharlow (whom I’ve never met but ghost follow lol & admire) because her strength, confidence & perfect imperfections are the type of things I want to instill in my baby as well as explain to her that beauty is not based on others opinion of what others think a person may or may not look like physically but simply in God’s creations which we are all cut from. So I finished my tour & couldn’t wait to get home & give my daughter this doll… educate her on beauty & how it comes from within.. I pull it out my backpack & Cali says “Ooooh Daddy, it’s Winnie, I love her… she’s so cute” & I’m like awwww damn… there goes my daddy teaching his daughter something moment lmaooo… she was already hip & didn’t need to be put on… but that’s children these days, smarter than we think & very appreciative.. Thank You again Ellen & @colouredgoodies for creating a moment for not only my child but the others your dolls have touched.

A post shared by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on

His caption reads: 

“Short story: I was in Amsterdam & I was gifted this doll by a very sweet woman “Ellen Brudet” who is a doll maker & she wanted to make my daughter one of her dolls…. I had to pick how I wanted it & out of the things I could’ve thought of… I had an idea to have her create one that favored one of my favorite people @winnieharlow (whom I’ve never met but ghost follow lol & admire) because her strength, confidence & perfect imperfections are the type of things I want to instill in my baby as well as explain to her that beauty is not based on others opinion of what others think a person may or may not look like physically but simply in God’s creations which we are all cut from. So I finished my tour & couldn’t wait to get home & give my daughter this doll… educate her on beauty & how it comes from within.. I pull it out my backpack & Cali says “Ooooh Daddy, it’s Winnie, I love her… she’s so cute” & I’m like awwww damn… there goes my daddy teaching his daughter something moment lmaooo… she was already hip & didn’t need to be put on… but that’s children these days, smarter than we think & very appreciative.. Thank You again Ellen & @colouredgoodies for creating a moment for not only my child but the others your dolls have touched.”

According to his post on instagram (seen above), he was pleasantly surprised when Cali instantly recognized Harlow’s face on her doll. In his efforts to provide a "daddy teaching moment," he realized Cali already recognizes the diversity of beauty and embraces it lovingly. 

Winnie Harlow personally responded to The Game’s post via her Instagram page: 

We’re not crying, you’re crying! Kudos to this super dad! 

Join us in ATL for the most magical black girl conference, Summit21Click here to get your ticket today!

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