There are a lot of new vaginal wellness products on the market from different women’s health companies. Each new vaginal health product promises something different. With every vaginal health product, there’s questions about whether it is actually good for the body.

Co-Founder of Evvy Pita Navarro warns against falling prey to misinformation, particularly regarding products, like vaginal gummies.

“Vaginas are actually self-cleaning, and most products on the market cause more harm than good,” she told 21Ninety.

Consulting a healthcare professional and prioritizing science-backed options are priority with vaginal health products. If you notice something off about your vagina, then the first step should always be reaching out a professional. When it comes to addressing concerns, such as vaginal odors and discharges, Navarro advocates for informed decision-making.

Many vaginal health products on the market advertise their products as the go-to item for a vagina that smells like a beautiful flower. However, that shouldn’t be the goal. “Vaginal health is a very complex topic and there is no magic pill or quick fix,” she said.

Some vaginal health products can disrupt the microbiome and cause imbalances instead of actually helping you.

“Personalization and precision are important to vaginal care for several factors,” Navarro said. “Vaginas vary from person to person, so the way we care for them should as well.”

At Evvy, this ethos is at the core of their approach. By integrating clinically validated at-home testing with prescription treatment and proactive tracking, the platform provides users with comprehensive insights into their vaginal health.

“Our platform uncovers over 700 bacteria and fungi with one swab, in the comfort of your home, to help determine the root cause of issues you may be experiencing,” Navarro explained. “After testing, users can order a personalized treatment program designed by a medical provider that is based on their unique results and includes 1-on-1 support.”

Above all, Navarro emphasizes taking care if your vagina safely.

“It’s always a good idea to practice good personal hygiene and avoid using feminine hygiene products often,” she advised.