When you hit your 30s, it’s easy to look back on your teens and 20s and long for your physique, youthful skin, and full bodied hair. The energy, enthusiasm, and joy of your youth are easy to miss. But there’s grace in aging. Getting older is truly an opportunity to learn more about yourself and love yourself more. Here’s why you should celebrate aging.
You’re Less Self-Conscious
It’s freeing to care less about what people think of you. Gone are the days of worry and concern. All in all, you are less interested in wearing the latest trends, going to parties when you don’t want to, or listening to “cool” music. Your hair, body type, weight, eye color, and skin tone are parts of yourself you learn to love with time. Aging makes you appreciate who you are authentically.
You Have More Self-Awareness
One beautiful thing about aging is increased self-awareness. You become more in tune with your needs and the needs of others. You become aware of your strengths and the things you are not the best at. But you are better able to communicate your limits and needs because of this increased self-awareness.
You Gain Wisdom
Life experiences come with aging. And with that experience comes more understanding and discernment. You learn from life’s ups and downs and losses, and gather gems from painful moments for the future.
You Set Boundaries
You master setting boundaries. While the younger version of you may have a hard time saying no, present-day you have no problem establishing boundaries. Your time, attention, and resources are valuable. As you age, you learn not to give them away freely.
You Embrace Growth and Change
We are constantly growing and changing. As you age, you embrace life’s pruning and nuturing. You understand that every ending is a new beginning, and to grow means having to change and let go of the past.