In modern day, comparison is inevitable. With social media and the news cycle, saturation and information overload can create pressure to strive for perfectionism. Instead of aiming for the perfect photo, dish and background, it’s important to be present and rest

Life coach and wellness advocate Marcia A. Cole believes it is possible to strike a balance between striving for excellence and allowing yourself to rest. Stress is a major cause of issues in the body, and it’s important to overcome the need for that added pressure.

Be Present

Instead of striving for perfectionism in everything that you do, allow yourself time and space to check in with yourself. Silence the noise of the outside world. Take time to tune into your breath and be intentional about being present. 

“Being present in life’s highs and lows is key to thriving,” Cole said. “That is where alignment occurs with what you are doing, what you are experiencing and what you are feeling.”

Tune into your emotions, your thoughts and your body. Look around and take inventory of all the things that you have to be grateful for. 

Embrace Imperfection

Things will inevitably go wrong in life. Instead of striving for perfection, embrace life’s messiness. Roll with the punches. Life has never been and never will be perfect. Embracing and appreciating life’s imperfections will allow you to have joy in the chaos.

Avoid Comparison

In order to overcome the need for everything to be perfect, it’s critical to combat comparison to other people.

When feelings of comparison inevitably creep in, Cole advises to take a deep breath, recognize where you are in the moment and identify the emotion attached to comparison. Whether it be fear, worry, self-doubt, insecurity or loss, name the emotion. Then, take a few more deep breaths and identify whether how you are feeling is rooted in fact or a belief. As you reflect on this, change your surroundings and go for a walk in nature. 

“Facts cannot be changed, but beliefs about those facts can shift,” Cole said.


Laughter not only increases the endorphins released by your brain, but also helps shift your focus from perfection and performance. Incorporate playfulness into your daily routine and lean into moments of laughter with the people you love. Focus on being present in your daily life rather than just striving for perfection.

Soak in the Small Moments

With highlight reel culture, it can be tempting to go big. Whether its buying the expensive car, taking the best family photos or having the best curated meal, perfectionism is laced within everything. Instead of striving for perfection, soak in the small moments. These moments carry joy and magic that aren’t forced or planned.

“When we tap into our joy, our heart opens and we can see each experience through a wider lens that is balanced and grounded in facts and possibility,” Cole said.