California native, Helix Charter High graduate and former USC running back Reggie Bush has again accepted his Heisman Trophy, originally awarded in 2005. Bush’s acceptance of close to $300,000 in improper benefits would forfeit his first awarding and stir discussions around collegiate earnings.
Still, in 2006, he entered the draft and was selected as the second overall pick by the New Orleans Saints. He also began dating Kim Kardashian, one year later, before splitting in 2009. Bush moved on to Armenian dancer Lilit Avagyan whom he married in 2014. The athlete and businessman retired in 2017 and was inducted into the New Orleans Saints Hall of Fame in 2019. Since then, Bush has made appearances at media events linked to modeling and brand deals. He’s also a football analyst. Juggling the work world, fatherhood and husbandhood, here’s a bit more about the woman by his side: Reggie Bush’s wife.
Who Is Reggie Bush’s Wife?

Lilit Avagyan has won several ballroom dance championships over the years. Since 2005, she’s won a top-three placement in the National Dance Council’s amateur Latin championship and the Latin World Championship. Lilit shares her dance and choreography skills with fans via Instagram. There, you’ll find a feed of videos dedicated to these two passions. Hours of dancing and fitness are balanced by time spent with friends and family. Reggie and Lilit share three children who have also made their way onto the timeline. When Lilit isn’t promoting brands and attending events in support of the Hall of Famer, she’s spending quality time with her daughter and two sons.
Overcoming Obstacle
In 2017, Monique Exposito gave birth to Reggie Bush’s son on Super Bowl Sunday. Reggie and Monuqe allegedly agreed to keeping their affair confidential, leading Bush to extend an offer of $3 million in installments should she keep quiet and abort their child. After Monique went public with the news of their child, it was reported that Reggie slowed the payments down and refused to pay child support.
Fans wondered how Reggie Bush’s wife was taking it all. Reggie and Lilit announced that they would be welcoming their third child amid a very public mess. At the time, Lilit chose to turn her focus and energy inward, celebrating Reggie’s birthday and the growth of their family. Their Instagram posts highlighted this focus with baby-bliss posts that had the comments turned off. Years later, the couple boast a family of five and a seemingly fulfilling life together.
Lilit Avagyan Is a Family Woman

When Lilit isn’t encouraging her kids to stretch and exercise, she’s prioritizing their education. It was during the pandemic that Lilit grew even closer to her children. She too worked with at-home tutors to prevent disruptions in her children’s learning. This helped her to gain more appreciation for and patience with her children.
In the face of challenges, they focused on making sure that their kids could return to school at their best. Lilit is also down for the fun, appearing in a Tostitos commercial with Reggie and providing coaching on Dancing With the Stars. And with Reggies help, especially after choosing to focus more on family upon his retirement, Lilit can juggle it all.