From morning sickness to swollen ankles, there are a ton of not-so-exciting pregnancy symptoms that can get in the way of you basking in your pregnancy glow. Every journey is different, and while some women breeze through those nine long months, others turn to remedies like acupuncture and essential oils to help their bodies through.

Some phases of pregnancy, however, are known to cause more trouble than others. Third-trimester nausea can feel like another round of first-trimester morning sickness but with very different implications. Here’s everything to know about what causes third-trimester nausea and how to survive it.

What Causes Third-Trimester Nausea?

No pregnant woman is a stranger to nausea, though there could be a number of reasons why you’re experiencing it during the third trimester. Since your baby is almost fully grown, the increase in its size can cause your stomach to move, making you feel nauseous. Similarly, your uterus could be expanding as it prepares for birth, causing discomfort by pressing against your stomach. Heartburn is also one of the most common causes of third-trimester nausea since progesterone relaxes the muscles in your stomach and digestive tract, making it easy for food to travel back up into your esophagus.

Sometimes accompanied by vomiting, third-trimester nausea is not for the faint of heart; however, despite how uncomfortable dealing with it during the last three months of your pregnancy can be, it is usually nothing to worry about. 

You should only worry if the nausea is paired with other dangerous symptoms, like blurred vision, swelling, or extreme pain in the abdomen, as it could be a sign of preeclampsia. Third-trimester nausea can also be a sign of labor if you’re experiencing contractions that are less than 10 minutes apart, pressure in your pelvic area, cramps, or an excess amount vaginal discharge.

How To Survive Third-Trimester Nausea

So what can you do if you’re already in it and struggling? Certain foods can help to combat nausea, as well as an adequate amount of rest and relaxation. Beyond that, some tips and tricks that can help are:

  • Stay hydrated in order to restore what your body may have lost during vomiting.
  • Take vitamins like B6 and vitamin B12 that can aid in restoring your body.
  • Eat smaller meals to give your body more time and avoid acid reflux; your gastrointestinal muscles have relaxed, and you may have trouble digesting food quickly enough.
  • Avoid certain foods that may cause heartburn and trigger feeling ill, like oily and spicy foods.
  • Ginger powder, ginger tea, fresh ginger, ginger ale, and ginger snaps can help relieve nausea.  
  • Peppermint tea or applying 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil to your temples and the back of your neck can provide relief if hot flashes cause your nausea.
  • Take antacids or anti-nausea medication if you’ve tried natural remedies and still can’t find relief.

You Got This, Mommy

All in all, third-trimester nausea is totally not uncommon and happens to many women on their journey to motherhood. However, if the nausea and vomiting become excessive and you’re having trouble keeping liquids down, it’s advised to contact a doctor.